A wicked problem – DSSG projects attempt to address a wicked problem - a vexing, persistent social or cultural issue that is complex, interconnected with other problems, and requires many people working together to affect change. Projects could address wicked problems in one of several areas, including education, the environment, government services, health care, healthy living, safety/security, smart urban development, social & economic inequality, and sustainability.
A committed team – Project partners will have organizational leaders who are committed to solving these wicked, real-world problems and who are supportive of using evidence to make important decisions around social good initiatives. Project partners will provide a dedicated staff person in the organization who is willing to work weekly with data science students and mentors on the data science project.
Relevant data and lots of it – An essential component of any data science project is, obviously, data. Data can take many forms. The project data must represent the complexity of the wicked problem. Data might come from the project partner organization, publically available sources, or both. The size and complexity of the data must provide an adequate experience for students to learn data science techniques and to have relevance for addressing the wicked problem.
A landing pad – DSSG projects generate products that are useful for participating organizations, partners, and communities. These products often go beyond a single report or project summary. The FL-DSSG Directors and Mentors will work with participating project partners to ensure that the organization has the computing, data, and staff infrastructure to support the delivery of the data science project products.